PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a major cause for female infertility. Altered diet, stress and unhealthy lifestyles all lead to PCOS. Patients experience symptoms like obesity or weight gain, hair growth on face, hoarseness of voice and irregular menstrual cycle and altered menstrual flow.
Causes of PCOD or PCOS
Modern health experts are unable find the exact cause for PCOs. They believe that genetics and hormones play a role. If your mother or sister has PCOs then chances of you getting PCOD is more.
Testosterone also known as male hormone (androgen) is present in both men and women. Men secrete a lot of it and women secrete it in a very little quantity. Estrogen which is a female hormone is also present in both and follows the same path but vice versa. Women secrete more of oestrogen hormone and men secrete a very little amount. In women when level of androgen increases it imbalances the delicate balance between estragon and progesterone. This may lead to PCOs which cause infertility in women. Increased level of insulin may also stimulate the excess secretion of male hormone in women.
Ayurvedic View: Texts of Ayurveda mention that Shukra dhatu is present in both men and women. Shukra dhatu plays a very vital role in keeping the male and female reproductive system normal and healthy. Shukra dhatu can be considered as combination of androgen and estrogen. Any imbalance in can cause infertility in men and women. The ratio of composition of shukra dhatu is different for both genders. When doshas vitiate shukra dhatu in women the granthis (cysts) appear in andashaya or ovaries.
Symptoms of PCOD or PCOs
The symptoms of PCODs begin as soon as a girl begins to menstruate. The common symptoms which are experienced in this condition are as follows
- Irregular Menstrual bleeding – The menstrual cycles are not regular. The gap between two menstrual cycles may be more than a month or they may bleed intermittently in a span of 30 days. The volume of menstrual blood may be more (heavy periods or atyarthava in ayurveda) or may be low (scanty periods or alpartava in ayurveda).
- Increased hair growth on upper lips, chest, stomach and chin – Since in PCOS the level of androgen is high the women tend to get hair growth just like men.
- Decrease in breast size: The size of breast decreases since female hormone is less and male hormone is more in this condition.
- Hoarse Voice: The delicate feminine voice gets deepened and cracked.
- Thinning of hair : Women experience hair loss and hair thinning in PCOs
- Acne: Women with PCOD suffer from acne and pimples.
- Increase in body weight: Obesity and PCOs go hand in hand and form a vicious circle.
- Mental anxiety and depression: Altered female hormones have potential effect on health of mind. Women suffering from PCOD often suffer from anxiety and depression.
- Female infertility: PCOs cause female infertility. It is a major concern in present situation.
Treatment: There are various treatment options for PCOD or PCOS. They are
- Hormonal therapy
- Surgical intervention.
- Alternative remedies
- Home remedies
Natural and home remedies for PCOS:
Eat Healthy: Ayurveda always advises on healthy eating and well balanced diet. Include lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Give attention to consume minor millets and pulses. Minor millets are small grains which are grown in dry regions and are highly nutritious. Avoid foods which contain lots of starch like refined flour, polished rice etc. Strictly say no to sweets, sugar, bakery products and junk food. Consuming junk foods increase the secretion of insulin which in turn stimulates secretion of androgen and cause imbalance of female hormone. Never consume foods which cause indigestion or bloating. Indigestion leads to production of “ama” a body toxin which causes imbalance of doshas when accumulated. You can consume NILOBESE WEIGHT LOSS Ayurvedic Herbal Capsules to lose weight fast. Weight loss with the use of NILOBESE capsules is quick and healthy.
Remember what to eat when you have PCOS?
- Avoid foods which are high in sugar
- Use foods which are rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals
- Your food should be easily digestible
- Avoid junk and cold drinks
- Wears Fresh Clothes
Exercise Regularly: Exercise is very important to shred weight and prevent hunger pangs. Exercises help to regulate insulin secretion and also prevent binge eating. A regular brisk walk for 45 minutes is the simple and best exercise one can practice at home. Apart from this keep yourself physically active and increase your movements and steps at home.
Drink Plenty of Water: Drink plenty of water to keep the body functions normal. Consume around 2 litres of water daily. Drink around 5-6 glasses of warm water daily. Warm water normalises body functions and reduces the inflammation of tissues. Warm water also expels body toxins and cleanses the vital organs like Kidney and liver.
Lemon and Honey: Make it a habit to consume a glass of warm water with half lime and a tea spoon of honey. This drink helps in a great way to reduce body weight. This combination also helps to detoxify body and scrape the accumulated fat. Lemon and honey supply plenty of nutrients and anti-oxidants too.
Consume Jeera and Turmeric: Chew ½ tea spoon of Jeera (cumin seeds) (read Health Benefits of Cumin Seeds) twice daily. It improves digestion and also reduces body fat and boosts its metabolism. You can add turmeric to dishes wherever possible. Turmeric helps to detox liver and improves skin health.
Apply a face mask of turmeric and cucumber to get rid of facial hairs: Grate 1/4th of cucumber and add ½ tea spoon of turmeric to it. Apply this on face as mask twice daily. It helps to get rid of facial hairs which grow due to PCOs or PCOD.
Use Herbal Supplements: Herbs help in a great way to reduce the formation of cysts in ovaries by lessening the insulin sensitivity and balancing the production of female hormones. These supplements increase the fertility of women and also aid in weight loss. In our practice we have seen a very good improvement in females who have followed the above mentioned methods and also used Herbal Supplements like MENSTRUAID CAPSULES ( A best ayurvedic supplement for female infertility) and IMUNEAID CAPSULES (A best ayurvedic medicine for immunity).
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